Visitors of the stand of the Bavarian machine manufacturer showed great interest in the new Robot Compact 650 joinery machine © Jakob Wassermann
In Hundegger’s traditional beer garden, the company’s new solutions and further developments were once again a popular topic among the numerous visitors of the trade fair. The machine manufacturer from Hawangen presented the Robot Compact 650, a brand-new CNC joinery machine, to the public for the first time. “Its low price and space-saving design make the Robot Compact an extremely interesting solution for small businesses, too. There is no need for any structural measures. To put the machine into operation, all you need is a power supply, compressed air and network connection,” Arno Gaggl, Hundegger Austria representative, told us.
With 28 tools, the Robot Compact 650 can process elements with cross sections from 20 x 60 to 300 x 650 mm and lengths of up to 13 m. In an interview, Gaggl told the Holzkurier about the great interest in the machine.
Entry into element production
Satisfied exhibitors: Josef Hundegger, vice-chairman of the Board, and Arno Gaggl (from right) © Jakob Wassermann
Hundegger is also working on a portal solution for the production of elements. Starting in the summer, the company plans to gain a foothold in this area. “The machine will be available from the middle of this year, and we will also have demonstration machines towards the end of 2024,” Gaggl revealed.
Further improvement of service
Hundegger also presented a few further developed tool solutions. For example, the company wants to use standardized milling cutter knives in the future © Jakob Wassermann
Visitors of Hundegger’s stand could also take a look at several newly developed tools, such as a tungsten carbide drilling cutter which can even be used to machine BauBuche without causing any cracks. The company is also working on standardizing its tools. “In the future, the same knives that are used on the finger milling cutters can be used on all milling cutters. For our customers, this will the handling of the tools and work in general much easier, while reducing costs at the same time,” Martin Hundegger, head of the tool development department, said about the advantages of standardization.
In order to further improve its customer service, Hundegger is professionalizing its sharpening service, which can service all of the tools used. To achieve this, Hundegger is working with a partner company. The service is currently in the test phase and is to be launched later this year.