
First panel produced

Article by Raphael Kerschbaumer (adapted for; translated by Eva Guzely) | 22.02.2024 - 09:43

According to Schilliger, the sawmill in Volgelsheim has a cutting capacity of around 300,000 m³ per year and shift. The Swiss company also does further processing: At its production site directly along the Rhine, planed timber and around 40,000 m³ of solid structural timber are produced each year.

When it comes to cross-laminated timber, the company wants to reach a production capacity of 50,000 m³ a year in a two-shift operation.

Volgelsheim is Schilliger’s second CLT production facility. At the company’s headquarters in Küssnacht/CH, output amounts to around 40,000 m³ a year.