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Stabilized global market

Article by Gerd Ebner (translated by Eva Guzely) | 25.09.2024 - 11:19

Sweden recorded an 8% decrease, while Germany’s exports were down by 6% and those of Finland by 10%. With +36%, Romania achieved the biggest relative increase, but nevertheless remains in 15th place among the top exporting countries.

Canadians oversaturate the US market

Canada, the largest producing country, increased its exports by 3% to a total of 16.4 million m³, of which 14.6 million m³ were delivered to the US. Year on year, this corresponds to an increase of around 500,000 m³. Experts estimate that this increase oversaturated the US market, thereby keeping market prices at a low level.

Russian exports growing again

Official foreign trade statistics do not exist, but the Holzkurier’s editorial team regularly accesses Russian news portals. According to these sources, Russia’s exports grew by 4%, from 9.5 million m³ last year to 9.9 million m³ this year. Softwood lumber production is estimated to have increased by 2% in the first half of 2024.

Decrease in Swedish exports

Sweden’s exports decreased by almost 600,000 m³ or 8%. Deliveries to its main market, Great Britain, showed a negative trend as well, although the 1.4 million m³ exported still represent the third largest trade flow in the world. In the first quarter, this place was still held by the bilateral flow of goods from Austria to Italy, which is currently “only” in fourth place with 1.35 million m³.

Germany and Finland still in the Top 5

Fourth and fifth place of the biggest exporting countries remain unchanged: Germany (4.7 million m³; -6%) and Finland (3.9 million m³; -10%). In Germany, the decrease in shipments to the US stood out in particular, although the volume is in line with the average of the past four years despite this decrease. Finland was at least able to increase its exports to Egypt by 8% to 514,000 m³.

Belarus with an increase in exports

Our editorial team calculated Belarussian exports based on import statistics of other countries, and found a significant increase of 17%. China in particular imported increasing volumes from the country.

According to the Holzkurier’s survey, the Top 15 exporting countries include two North American and nine European countries as well as Russia, the two South American countries Brazil and Chile, and New Zealand.

Global foreign trade | H1 2024
Table of softwood lumber trade flows from the 15 biggest exporting countries to the 15 biggest importing countries as well as to the MENA region (volumes in 1,000 m³). National statistics on lumber exports were used as sources (as of September 2024). 
Horizontal: 15 biggest importing countries / Vertical: 15 biggest exporting countries
Countries Total 1-6 2024 Diff. 1-6 2023/2024 Diff. in % USA China Great Britain Japan Italy Egypt Germany Netherlands Mexico France Uzbekistan Austria Saudi Arabia South Korea Belgium Other countries MENA region
Canada 16,391 477 3 14,571 696 10 545 1 6 45 8 32 2 0 0 18 23 12 423 55
Russia 9,900 400 4 1 5,756 0 264 0 290 0 0 n/s 0 730 0 n/s 173 0 n/s 920
Sweden 6,903 –592 –8 556 147 1,408 439 32 643 415 558 0 209 0 26 142 60 151 2,115 1,260
Germany 4,713 –308 –6 1,069 204 206 93 283 23 369 10 388 0.5 420 47 61 324 1,215 245
Finland 3,944 –423 –10 41 263 344 384 93 474 222 134 1 224 0 82 185 9 61 1,428 1,126
Austria 2,951 183 7 59 19 29 108 1,352 3 374 10 0 47 0 101 19 2 828 468
USA 1,590 71 5 60 6 43 5 9 3 5 562 4 0 0 1 7 2 883 23
Latvia 1,489 280 23 76 18 465 42 9 72 45 69 0 47 0 7 2 60 22 554 97
Brazil 1,403 –108 –7 469 132 0.1 0 0 1 0.4 0.3 394 3 0 0 57 2 0.1 344 142
Belarus 1,149 169 17 0 620 0 0 0 n/s 0 0 n/s 0 160 0 n/s 2 0 367 n/s
Chile 1,119 –56 –5 70 153 03 105 0.4 0 0 1 148 0 0 0 66 150 0 426 141
Czech Republic 896 –14 –2 37 13 18 58 83 0 224 6 0 6 0 192 2 12 3 243 6
Ukraine 833 –30 –4 0 0,2 1 3 70 0 54 26 0 1 0 2 1 1 27 647 15
New Zealand 690 67 11 99 86 1 20 0 0 0.2 17 3 0 0 0 23 69 1 370 38
Romania 628 168 36 44 22 2 95 20 4 44 2 0.1 1 0 15 68 4 1 306 270
Total 54,600 284 1 17,092 8,190 2,489 2,199 1,948 1,526 1,427 1,204 1,151 932 891 745 712 651 606 10,151 4,805