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The 10 biggest softwood lumber trade flows in the world © holzkurier.com

global trade

Global market weakened in 2023

Article by Gerd Ebner (translated by Eva Guzely) | 27.03.2024 - 12:10

Once again, the Holzkurier surveyed over 20 statistical offices worldwide to determine the following three key trends on the global markets:

  • In terms of volume, global trade decreased by around 7%.
  • The 20 biggest trade flows shrank by 4% in volume and decreased by 32% in value.
  • Of the major exporting nations, only Sweden was able to slightly increase its exports.

Global market weak in 2023

Europe in particular needs global trade. One in three cubic meters produced here is sold outside the EU. Smaller export volumes increase market pressure within the EU, and lower export prices indirectly reduce prices on domestic markets as well. That is exactly what happened in 2023.

Europe’s biggest overseas market is the MENA region which imports more than 8 million m³ of softwood lumber. In 2023, slight gains were made there in 2023. Individual supplying countries such as Austria or the Baltic states were able to substantially increase their shipments (a detailed analysis will follow).

The largest single market in the world is the USA. Last year was characterized by a weakening demand for imports, which resulted in a 7% decrease and a total import volume of only 33.2 million m³. It was the smallest volume since 2015.

US-$260 instead of US-$390 on the US market

The US not only needed smaller volumes of softwood lumber last year, there was also less money to be made on the market. The value of imports fell significantly. Canada, for example, saw its revenue from softwood lumber exports to its neighbor (28 million m³; -7%) decrease by 38%, from around US-$390/m³ to only US-$260/m³ in 2023.

China nearly 5 million m³ below pre-Covid levels

In 2023, there was no real upswing on the Chinese market either. Even though the country’s imports increased by 4% year on year to a total of 17.4 million m³, this volume is well below the levels recorded in the pre-Covid years, when imports amounted to around 23 million m³.

In our research, we found that Russia was able to keep its softwood lumber exports to China constant. Nevertheless, the value of the world’s second biggest trade flow fell by 12%. Last year, Russia only earned an average of US-$197/m³ – compared to US-$225/m³ in 2022. With a total of 11.8 million m³, Russian deliveries accounted for almost 70% of China’s imports.

Of the Top 20 trade flows, the one from Russia to Uzbekistan takes the title of the cheapest lumber price (US-$155/m³). By contrast, the most lucrative softwood lumber trade flow is the one from Canada to Japan. In purely mathematical terms, US-$450 can be earned there with an average range.

Austria–Italy the no. 4 trade flow

In line with the decrease in Italian imports, Austrian deliveries, too, fell by 10%. As a result, the bilateral trade between the two countries (2.5 million m³) is now only the fourth biggest global trade flow, while softwood lumber exports from Sweden to Great Britain (2.7 million m³) are the new number three.

Around one quarter of Germany’s softwood lumber exports are headed across the Atlantic. In 2023, however, there was a significant slump in the US market, with sales decreasing by 12%, from 2.8 million m³ in 2022 to just under 2.5 million m³. This makes it the fifth largest trade flow in the world.

The Scandinavian countries performed above average last year. Sweden was the only Top 10 nation to increase its exports, while Finland maintained its export volume.

Sweden: big export volumes at a low price

With almost 14 million m³, Sweden recorded an export volume that had only been seen once before (2020). However, this success was partly achieved through significantly lower prices. Revenue from lumber sales to Great Britain fell by 18%. Double-digit decreases were also recorded in revenue generated in Egypt (-20%), the US (-41%) and the Netherlands (-22%).

Global foreign trade | 2023
Table of softwood lumber trade flows from the 15 biggest exporting countries to the 15 biggest importing countries as well as to the MENA region (volumes in 1,000 m³). National statistics on lumber exports were used as sources (as of March 2024). 
Horizontal: 15 biggest importing countries 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.  7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.    
Vertical: 15 biggest exporting countries Total Diff. 2022/2023 Diff. in % USA China Great Britain Italy Japan Germany Egypt Uzbekistan Netherlands France Mexico South Korea Austria Saudi Arabia Belgium Other countries MENA region
1. Canada 31,507 –2,070 –6 28,069 1,500 17 4 910 39 1 0 7 6 73 33 0.1 27 22 800 77
2. Russia 20,700 –2,300 –10 6 11,895 0 0 467 0 n/s 2,030 0 0 n/s 455 0 n/s 0 n/s n/s
3. Sweden 13,945 296 2 1,145 716 2,680 60 643 762 1,354 0 1,055 436 0 147 59 251 272 4,363 2,819
4. Germany 9,665 –1,114 –10 2,464 590 416 567 94 18 0 649 788 11 130 787 94 602 2,456 492
5. Finland 8,339 –228 –3 85 800 707 184 618 437 1,107 0 272 476 4 21 150 382 135 2,959 2,620
6. Austria 5,268 –479 –8 136 48 46 2,483 149 721 3 0.1 5 92 1 29 144 3 1,410 814
7. USA 2,978 –46 –2 126 11 8 83 7 30 0 16 7 1,091 5 0 1 2 1,590 50
8. Chile 2,431 –50 –2 146 318 0 1 196 0 0 0 0.2 0 294 384 0 150 0 941 287
9. Latvia 2,411 –490 –17 88 53 864 20 76 201 84 0 136 74 0 95 14 4 27 675 147
10. Brazil 2,282 –260 –10 758 205 0.1 0.4 0 0.3 1 0 1 4 565 7 0 155 0.1 586 327
11. Belarus 1,947 –33 –2 0 900 0 0 0.1 0 n/s 370 0 0 n/s 2 0 n/s 0 675 n/s
12. Czech Republic 1,770 –569 –24 76 19 34 243 57 398 0 0 13 6 0 17 307 3 6 590 24
14. Ukraine 1,711 81 5 2 50 n/s 122 9 111 n/s 0 57 2 n/s 5 6 n/s 41 1,305 n/s
13. New Zealand 1,344 –53 –4 205 210 3 0 30 1 0.1 0 50 0 2 157 0 33 2 654 59
15. Belgium 987 –549 –36 26 42 40 0.5 0 201 7 0 117 401 0 3 0.2 0 150 84
  Total 107,286 –7,864 –7 33,205 17,473 4,819 3,691 3,333 2,878 2,606 2,400 2,378 2,292 2,042 1,492 1,323 1,246 1,111 19,153 7,799
The 20 biggest global softwood lumber trade flows | 2023
Trade flows incl. planed timber in 1,000 m³ and US-$1,000
N. Exporter Importer Jan – Dec in 1,000 m³ Diff. in % Jan – Dec in US-$1,000 Diff. in %
2022 2023 2022 2023
1 Canada USA 30,086 28,069 –7 11,795,949 7,286,878 –38
2 Russia China 11,894 11,895 0 2,674,120 2,343,768 –12
3 Sweden Great Britain 2,399 2,680 12 933,008 769,594 –18
4 Austria Italy 2,753 2,483 –10 878,605 640,375 –27
5 Germany USA 2,790 2,464 –12 1,091,073 689,586 –37
6 Russia Uzbekistan 2,121 2,030 –4 404,103 315,000 –22
7 Canada China 1,257 1,500 19 303,137 274,498 –9
8 Sweden Egypt 1,327 1,354 2 282,301 224,477 –20
9 Sweden USA 1,414 1,145 –19 563,273 331,706 –41
10 Finland Egypt 1,240 1,107 –11 254,392 173,104 –32
11 USA Mexico 1,006 1,091 8 297,482 265,343 –11
12 Sweden Netherlands 1,000 1,055 6 374,329 290,914 –22
13 Canada Japan 1,102 910 –17 821,893 413,190 –50
14 Belarus China 625 900 44 137,966 162,059 17
15 Latvia Great Britain 1,134 864 –24 468,601 276,089 –41
16 Finland China 931 800 –14 204,506 148,359 –27
17 Germany France 826 788 –5 319,468 245,261 –23
18 Germany Austria 907 787 –13 301,908 212,225 –30
19 Sweden Denmark 760 784 3 278,561 207,471 –26
20 Sweden Germany 747 762 2 268,812 208,590 –22