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sales indicator august 2023

Imminent price increases

Article by Gerd Ebner (translated by Eva Guzely) | 14.09.2023 - 08:20
sales indicator log wood 08 2023.jpg

Source: Holzkurier market research ©

Compared to July, the Holzkurier’s sales indicator fell by 2.6 percentage points to 121.0%. The fact that the indicator has lost nearly 40 percentage points year on year shows how tight things already are when it comes to prices. With the exception of sawdust, all prices which are taken into account for the sales indicator have seen double-digit decreases compared to last year. In addition, there is also a downward trend in volumes sold. Hardly anyone doubts that the production of softwood lumber will be curtailed by 20% – which would bring both Austria’s and Germany’s sawmill industry back to level recorded in 2009.