
Archiv © Autonome Provinz Bozen Südtirol

Storm/Beetle-infestation/Drought damages

Damaged wood balance of Central Europe and Italy

Article by Gerd Ebner, translated by Susanne Höfler | 20.12.2018 - 11:26

Germany saw a damaged wood accrual of around 27 million sm³ this year. Storm Friedericke threw 17.1 million sm³ and the dry summer caused another 10 million sm³ of damaged wood. With this, the damaged wood accrual in Germany makes for 50% of the country's cutting volume.

Czech Republic confirmed last week the accrual of 20 million sm³ of beetle-infested wood this year with an additional ~3.8 million sm³ due to storms early in the year.

Italy saw 13 million sm³ of damaged wood due to storm Vaia which roughly equals the cutting capacity of one year.

As for Austria, around 7 million sm³ of damaged wood are suspected half of which is due to beetle-infestation and storms.

Damaged wood in Central Europe and Italy | 2017/2018
Beetle-infested wood and windthrow in 1,000 sm³
Country 2017 2018
Beetle-infested wood Wind-fallen wood Damaged wood Beetle-infested wood Wind-fallen wood Damaged wood Cutting volume* Damaged wood %
Germany 6,000 4,650 10,650 10,000 17,100 27,100 54,000 20% 50% 2018 storm Friederike claimed 17 million sm³; 10 million sm³ beetle-infested wood estimation
Czech Repulic 2,500 7,500 10,000 20,000 3,800 23,800 25,000 40% 95% March storm; Beetle-infested wood 15 to 20 million sm³
Italy n/a n/a n/a n/a 13,000 13,000 13,000 100% Vaia threw around 13 m. sm³
Austria 3,500 3,000 6,500 3,500 3,500 7,000 19,000 34% 37% conservative estimate: This year's beetle-infested wood just like 2017; cutting volume +7% compared to 2017; windfallen wood (Carinthia 1 m. sm³) plus thunderthorms (300,000 sm³); plus 2.2 m. sm³ Vaia
Switzerland 320 50 370 400 1,500 1,900 4,700 8% 40% Beetle-infestation 2018: upward trend, but no explosion
Total 12,320 15,200 27,520 33,900 38,900 72,800 115,700 24% 63% +265% from 2017 to 2018