All market data available online

Article by Gerd Ebner, translated by Susanne Höfler | 16.09.2019 - 16:42
  • "Who are the biggest structural timber (KVH) producers?"
  • "How is the wood price doing compared to other construction materials?"
  • "How much lumber is Germany importing from Sweden?"
  • "How much do European suppliers yield in the United States?"
  • "Where can I find the most recent value of the sales indicator?"

"Where can I find the most recent sales indicator value?"

These are the kind of questions that we receive frequently. The answers can be found relatively quickly by using the full-text search of – and all of our subscribers have access to an archive of more than 2,600 articles.

As of this week, however, this has become even easier! If you enter into your browser's search bar, you will see immediately what I mean.

In four logically organized categories, we compiled our extensive tabular knowledge and data for you in an easy-to-use database:

In terms of Foreign Trade, we not only provide you with information on top ten destinations or supplying countries but with ALL flows of commodity. This way, you can even analyze import volumes of exotic destinations over the course of many years. Does Iran indeed buy higher volumes? Datacube can answer this question for you in no time! But additionally, you can also compare several countries at the same time.

In category Production Surveys, you can find an assemly of the biggest enterprises of a certain sector, such as the biggest softwood sawmills. For some sectors, we surveyed all producers. Production data in part date back even longer than ten years. Here, you can compare individual companies against each other, as well.

How is my sector doing? Is my course of business better off than those of my industry peers? Answers to all of these questions and more can be found in the category Economic Surveys.

The most comprehensive part of Datacube, however, are its Time Lines. Here is where we represent price and volume developments, partly dating back to the 1970s. What seems "cheap or expensive", "little or much" nowadays might differ quite a bit from assessments of ten years ago.

The development of construction permits, cutting volumes and especially prices can be easily tracked here.