
Log imports decreased in 2019

Article by Sonja Banschitz (translated by Eva Guzely) | 12.03.2020 - 10:03

With nearly 3.64 million m³, 2% more softwood logs came from the Czech Republic to Austria. Last year, Austria bought considerably less from Germany: 1.74 million m³ correspond to a decline of 14%. Imports from Slovenia also saw a marked decrease of 38% to 702,000 m³.

Due to storm Vaia in October 2018, softwood log imports from Italy rocketed last year. 700,000 m³, i.e. 279% more, were bought from the southern neighbor. In relative terms, imports from Poland saw a strong growth albeit on a lower level (17,000 m³; +104%).

Last year, the strongest month for softwood log imports was September with a volume of 709,000 m³. August was the weakest month with an overall quantity of 469,000 m³.

You can find detailed figures in our Datacube in the section Foreign trade.

Austria softwood log imports (m³) January – December 2019

Country 2019 2018 Change in %
Czech Republic 3,635,455 3,576,597 1.6
Germany 1,743,890 2,016,226 -13.5
Slovenia 702,167 1,137,718 -38.3
Italy 700,311 184,912 278.7
Slovakia 120,668 127,867 -5.6
Switzerland 101,945 164,303 -38
Poland 17,121 8,389 104.1
Hungary 15,215 11,078 37.3
Croatia 13,159 13,251 -0.7
Romania 5,599 0 -
Other countries 5,872 1,157 407.5
Total 7,061,402 7,241,498 -2.5