

Central Europe

More than 51 million sm³

Article by Gerd Ebner, translated by Susanne Höfler | 19.09.2018 - 16:25

This means that in 2018, 53% of wood from this area comes from accidental utilizations. The focal country here is Germany where 27 million sm³ are the gloomy forecast. This would be 50% of the total logging volume. 17 million sm³ were caused by "Friederike", another 10 million sm³ are expected to accrue due to drought and beetle damages. Relatively speaking, things are even gloomier for the Czech Republic where the ministry expects a total beetle-infested wood accrual between 17.5 an 20 million sm³. With this, the total timber harvest will probably rise to 25 million sm³ (after 19.4 million sm³ in 2017). For Austria, no reliable figures are available yet. Officially, beetle-infested wood is expected to "at least" reach last year's damage levels which reached 3.5 million sm³. An additional 1 million sm³ due to windthrow in Carinthia as well as 300,000 sm³ from various thunderstorms must be added. Switzerland expects 1.3 million sm³ of windfallen wood for the current year. The volume of beetle-infested wood is supposed to increase. Last year, it was 320,000 sm³.